Hints For Creating Custom Test Condition for SSDT in Visual Studio 2013

I use the steps described in the MSDN article How to: Create Test Conditions for the SQL Server Unit Test Designer and found some variations while repeating it in Visual Studio 2013.

1) in step 5 we can use a newer version of dll if we have a newer version of SQL Server installed on local machine. Then number 110 in the path means SQL Server 2012, 120 – SQL Server 2014.

2) in step 8 we need to change the VS version number from 10.0 to 12.0. So you need to add these lines:

Hint: import of Microsoft.CSharp.targets is located at the end of the file.

3) in step 10 we need to include two namespaces to derive from class TestCondition. Add these directives to your class:

4) in step 13 we need to copy dll file from bin\Debug or bin\Release folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\TestConditions. You will see readme.txt file there.

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