Not All .NET Types Can Be Used In Entity Framework

Recently I had a demand to use an unsigned integer type in Entity Framework model. Everything was OK, but migration did not create a field for that type.

I knew that EF could not create a SQL type for char (System.Char), even if you place an annotation like this:

I wrote about it in my post Entity Framework. C# To SQL Type Translation.

It was surprise for me that EF could not create any type for unsigned types like ushort, uint or ulong. Column annotation to use signed type ain’t help too.

And the most “amazing” thing is that EF rejects sbyte type (as for the EF version 6.1.3). It generates an error:

There is no store type corresponding to the conceptual side type 'SByte' of primitive type 'SByte'.

The conclusion is that you can use any .NET type in Entity Framework model except char, ushort/uint/ulong and sbyte.

Querying Entity Model. Part 21 – Intersect And Except

SQL Server and LINQ both have some commands that operates on sets like Union, Intersect and Except. I’ve investigated the behavor of Union in Entity Framework earlier in my post Querying Entity Model. Part 15 – Union. Now let’s look at intersect and except.

I want to see the intersection between two sets of country codes taken from Clients and Phones tables (I use the same simple EF model through all the Querying Entity Model series).

Wow! Entity Framework uses exactly INTERSECT operator. Well done.

Except case is similar to intersect one.

I used a collection with one field, but EF is capable to operate on collections with many fields. The only thing you should care about is to intersect/except the collections of the same type.

Querying Entity Model. Part 20 – Retrieving Some Records From Groups

Entity Framework allows to retrieve records from groups in any quantity and from any position, i.e. first record, records 1…N, second record, or records 5…10. These can be made with LINQ methods like First(), Take() and Skip().

When I write T-SQL code I often use ROW_NUMBER() function to generate serial numbers for groups of records, then filtering the required serial numbers of rows. I suspect that EF would generate a less efficient code with APPLY operator (look at this post Querying Entity Model. Part 7 – Left Join With First Row). Now it’s time to confirm this.

Retrieving first row

Another way is to use Take() method.

Entity Framework uses SELECT DISTINCT to get group key values and APPLY operator to get a record for each group. EF uses OUTER APPLY in the first case, and CROSS APPLY in the second.

Retrieving first N rows

The only difference in T-SQL code is the line CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP (2).

Retrieving rows with offset

I try to get exactly the second rows from groups. Skip() method needs a sorted list, so I have to place OrderBy() before it.

EF generates T-SQL code with OFFSET .. FETCH for SQL Server 2016.

Querying Entity Model. Part 19 – Full Outer Join

There is a rarely used join in SQL as full outer join. It combines the intersection between two sets, and both set exception from left and right parts of the join. Full outer join might be used to merge data from source and target tables, so you would get intersecting rows to update, new rows to insert, and missing rows to delete.

This type of join also can be implemented by LINQ queries on Entity Framework in four steps:

  1. Left outer join
  2. Right outer join
  3. Concat both outer joins
  4. Get distinct result

Here is an abridged T-SQL code (I’ve deleted extra lines in SELECT clause for readability).

As you see, T-SQL code repeats the logic of LINQ. Comparison of execution plans shows that a native FULL OUTER JOIN has cost 36% against 64% of LINQ in my case. Maybe you can get a bigger difference.

And native T-SQL code is more elegant 🙂

Useful NLog Targets

NLog has many targets to which it can save log entries. Here are some that I consider quite useful.


I’ve added some parameters to archive log on everyday basis.


NLog will create custom application log MyAppLog.

Visual Studio Debug window

Also NLog allows to save log in a database table, but it needs more efforts and lines of code to setup it. You can read more in the article Database target in NLog project documentation.

Reloading Configuration In NLog

When you use NLog in your C# project, its configuration is loaded once on the application startup. Now I want to change the configuration (targets, rules, levels) while application is running. It’s easy – just edit NLog.config file.

That’s not enough. Application should notice that changes and reapply them. This can be triggered by re-reading NLog.config again at some point, by pressing the button or calling Web API, i.e. you or your application should initiate reloading.

As for NLog, reloading is implemented by 3 lines of code.

Debugging SQL Server CLR Function In Visual Studio 2015

This is a step-by-step instruction of how to debug CLR code in Visual Studio. It is based on MSDN article Debugging CLR Database Objects. As stated in the comment there, the process can differ for different versions of Visual Studio. I’ve got Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with Update 3.

1) Run Visual Studio with Administrator rights. It’s needed for VS to attach the SQL Server process.
If you skip this, you might see an error later:
Unable to debug .NET code. Could not attach to SQL Server process on 'VS2015'. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80004005.
2) Open SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio.
3) Right-click server and select Allow SQL/CLR Debugging.
4) Drill down to CLR function, right-click and select Debug Function…
5) In the Debug Function window enter value for input parameter and press OK.
6) Visual Studio will generate a test script and enter into the debug mode.
7) Now you can press F11 to step into the test script code and CLR function.

During the last step Windows Firewall could ask you to allow VS debugger to connect through network. Please allow it.

Also Visual Studio will always ask you to attach to SQL Server process in order to debug CLR code. Press Attach here.

Creating SQL Server CLR Function In Visual Studio 2015

If you try to find an example how to create CLR code for SQL Server, you may encounter MSDN article How to: Create and Run a SQL Server User-Defined Function by using Common Language Run-time Integration, but it describes the process for Visual Studio 2010. Now I’ll show how to do it in VS 2015.

1) Create or open SQL Server Database Project.
2) Add new item and choose SQL CLR C# User Defined Function type.
3) Write the code like in this primitive case.

It’s important to use correct types for SQL Server and C# – SqlDouble and double respectively.
4) Publish the project.

Although the project was deployed successfully, you need to enable CLR on SQL Server. Run the following script:

If you won’t do that, you’ll get an error when you try to run this CLR function:

Msg 6263, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Execution of user code in the .NET Framework is disabled. Enable "clr enabled" configuration option.

Entries In Entity Framework ChangeTracker Could Degrade Database Write Performance

Let’s imagine the case when you need to load a large amount of rows into database through Entity Framework application. If you had tried that, you know this process is very-very slow.
1. Worst case for performance

SaveChanges() will open connection, start transaction and make one INSERT, and so on for all records. Then commit that unique record and closes connection.

2. Less worse case

This time SaveChanges() opens connections and starts transaction just once. Then it emits INSERT command for each record and commits all records simultaneously.

In both cases Entity Framework preserves entities in ChangeTracker with a state Unchanged after saving them in database. When you call SaveChanges() again, it iterates ChangeTracker collection to find what to save. The more items will be in ChangeTracker the more time is needed to process them all.

So you can try to restrict the number of entries in ChangeTracker or disable change tracking mechanism at all.

To restrict the number of entries in ChangeTracker you can do:

  • recreate DbContext;
  • remove entries from ChangeTracker by setting the state to Detached.

So you can save some records (a batch), then get rid of all unnecessary entries from ChangeTracker.

DbContext.Configuration has two options that could improve the performance:

  • ValidateOnSaveEnabled – when it’s false, EF does not validate entity against model;
  • AutoDetectChangesEnabled – when it’s false, EF does not compare original and current states of entities and does not change the state of the entity automatically. In other words, you can change the entity, but EF won’t notice that.

I’ve made a test to estimate the performance for the following cases where I call SaveChanges() method:

  1. immediately after each record was added to context;
  2. after all records;
  3. after adding a batch of records;
  4. after adding a batch of records, then recreating a DbContext;
  5. after adding a batch of records, then removing entries from ChangeTracker collection;
  6. after all records where ValidateOnSaveEnabled and/or AutoDetectChangesEnabled options are turned off.

Here is the graphical representation of a series of tests using different number of records (from 200 to 2000) and different sizes of batches (50, 100 or 200).


There are 3 trends:

  1. highest – where SaveChanges() occurs after each record. Of course, committing every INSERT is much longer then committing a batch.
  2. medium – saving after all records or a batch were added.
  3. lowest – where ChangeTracker collection were not allowed to grow too much or ChangeTracker auto-detect feature was turned off.

On my opinion, there are two preferable ways to optimize the Entity Framework performance for massive write operations:

  1. call SaveChanges() after adding a relatively small batch of records and remove entries from ChangeTracker collection;
  2. turn off AutoDetectChangesEnabled option.

I would not recommend to recreate a DbContext cause you can have some additional code executed of context creation. Also recreation will clear EF cache for metadata and queries. These would lead to a negative impact on overall performance.

If you set AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false, don’t forget to switch back when you return to normal operations. Otherwise EF could overlook updates in entities.

Ignoring DbUpdateException And Continue

Entity Framework has internal capabilities to validate data against the EF model, but there may be a situation when you have some restrictions on the database level. For example, you are importing a large amount of data on a table-per-table basis, and suddenly some rows are breaking the foreign key constraints. In this case database throws an error, sends it to EF, and EF returns DbUpdateException to your code. What’s next?

1) You can examine the entity which caused the exception. DbUpdateException has a property Entries that holds failed entities.
2) If you want to ignore this entity (maybe it’s an expected situation where some data could break foreign key and that rows should be skipped), you need to change the state of DbEntityEntry to Detached. This will remove the entity from context. So it’ll never be saved later.
3) After these steps you must repeat SaveChanges().

The following code snippet is an example of how you can implement the above mentioned logic.