Querying Entity Framework. Part 24 – Aggregating Nullable Fields

It’s a very simple case for Entity Framework model. I have a nullable column in Clients table.

I want to count values and to sum up them. The LINQ query to EF model can be very simple.

But these queries reveals some magic. Count() returns int type, but Sum() return int?. So you may fall into one of the following cases.

Method Return type Result on all rows Result on not-nullable rows Result on empty dataset
Count() int Count all rows regardless null or not null Count only not-nullable rows Zero
Sum() int? Sum only not-nullable values Sum only not-nullable values Null

The most dangerous is the last case when Sum() returns null, so  you should add a check for null value. If you want to get zero, you need to change a request and add DefaultIfEmpty() method.

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